
Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Cross Safely

Why Pedestrian Crossing is Safer Now than the Past

In the past roads were made of gravel, which made it unsafe for cars and people. Back then rules were needed.

Now these days, there are safer ways to have less accidents and injuries. Better ways for cars and people to share the road. Less people are killed. Schools all over the world have systems running, called a Pedestrian Crossing.

Today, there are zebra crossings on a Pedestrian Crossing, which stand out, making the crossing easier to see.

There are also  striped black and white poles, to show where the crossing is. On most of those poles are bright round lights.

Bright highlighted  signs called lollipops are used to stop cars so people can cross. They are controlled by children in schools, who are old enough. The lollipops are hooked onto the stripped poles.

The children who carry out Pedestrian Crossing wear bright neon vests that are visible to all vehicles. There are also raincoats for different weather conditions.

So Road patrols are a safer way for all humans to cross and safer for cars and people to be on the road.

My holiday Transport

Beep beep! Hurry up we’re going to be late! (Dad starts his engine… Vroom Vroom! )I quickly hop into the car, my dad starts to reverse his car out of the driveway. Within 20 minutes we are in Pakaranga. You’re probably wondering how fast we got there? We got there in a pretty short time moving at high speeds.

In our world we have ways of getting around. Infrastructure a physical structure that organises the way vehicles travel from one place to another that includes the route of our roads and tracks, etcetera. Thanks to inventors and engineers we have different means of transport that take us anywhere by land sea and air.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Kia Orana! My name is Jasmine!

Kia Orana, my name is Jasmine and I am 12 years old and I go to Ruapotaka School. I am a year 8 student and a prefect at my school. I am Cook Island maori and I am very proud of my culture and it’s heritage. I have a lot of hobbies that include outdoor events, like sports. My favourite sports are Soccer, netball, volley and ripper rugby. I have an interest in music such as R&b, hip hop and rap. My favourite subject in school is maths because it is fun and helps me solve problems not only in maths but in life. I also like picasso art because it is an inspirational type of art. My school goal is to study hard and be better than before. When I’m out of school I like to hang out with my friends and family. My favourite food is Mcdonalds, sushi and other sweets like Sour skittles. I also like shopping for clothes and I really like travelling. One day I hope to travel to Rio, and London. I admire Tyler the creator and Taco because they are free spirited crazy people.I hope that I can be a role model for people to look up to. I really like going to Ruapotaka School because we are social and responsible with our learning and respect each other which I personally think is good for our future.